disaster recovery planning and testing

The goal for this activity is to develop a tailored and flexible plan that is easy to use when recovery activities are activated. Specific objectives to achieve this goal include:

  • Define the components of the plan
  • Select team leaders, members and alternates based upon functional areas who may be involved in the plan development and initial walk through of the plan
  • Develop procedures that address and document the steps for responding to a crisis event, recovering operational capability and resuming critical business functions, and eventually restoring all functions to "business as usual"
  • Ensure important decisions are made and documented in the plan
  • Document relationships that will be relied upon if the company experiences a disaster, including contact names and type of assistance they may provide
  • Review completed plans with senior management to confirm approach and assumptions
  • Reassess work program and schedule and make necessary adjustments

Disaster Recovery Testing

Test Facilitation and Training services provide organizations with an independent, objective exercise and assist with brining stakeholders up to speed on what they need to know. Testing gives management confidence in the validity of their plans, and training provides for usability of plans in the hands of stakeholders who will execute them.